I'm Ukrainian
Stay in the Czech Republic
All about temporary protection, staying in and leaving the Czech Republic, or the conditions for obtaining allowances to cover living needs.
Financial contributions
People with temporary protection can apply for specific financial contributions to cover basic living needs.
Healthcare and insurance
Information about health services, health insurance and reimbursement.
Information about schools and kindergartens
How to enrol children in schools and nurseries. Universities offer support to students, academics and scientists from Ukraine.
Job search
Information on employment permits and job vacancies in the Czech Republic. Job counselling is also available.
Need for further assistance
We will advise you on how to arrange an interpreter, material assistance, financial support, psychological help or funeral arrangements for a loved one.
Driving in the Czech Republic
Information about the validity of Ukrainian driving licences in the Czech Republic and the possibility of obtaining a Czech licence.
I want to help Ukrainians
Subsidies and contributions
Funding is available for municipalities, organisations and households in the form of subsidy and contributions for the integration of incoming Ukrainians.
Offer help
The Help Ukraine website is a central place for non-profit organizations where you can offer your help on a smaller scale.
Employment of Ukrainians
Summary of the most important information for employers who want to provide jobs to citizens of Ukraine