I deal with health care and insurance

Obtaining health insurance and free health care


On the website of Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna, you will learn how to obtain health insurance and also how to secure acute health care if you are not yet insured.

Health care for the citizens of Ukraine


On the website of the Ministry of Health you can get information about health care for the citizens of Ukraine. There is also an infoline for your questions, in Czech, Ukrainian and Russian.

Proof of vaccination of Ukrainian children without a vaccination certificate


If the parents did not manage to take the child's vaccination card with them when they ran away, it is possible to apply for it remotely. Information on how to do this has been prepared by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic and the Ukrainian Ministry of Health.

Mental health care options


Many people are experiencing difficult and mentally exhausting situations related to the war in Ukraine. Read a leaflet summarising different mental health care options, from self-help to professional therapy.

Assistance to people with disabilities coming from Ukraine


Disabled UA citizens can take advantage of offers from associations of persons with disabilities to obtain compensatory aids, services for the blind or deaf, professional counselling or assistance.

Záchranka App


Thanks to the Záchranka App on your mobile phone, you can quickly contact the ambulance service in the event of an emergency, with automatic transmission of information about your location and your person.

Help for people using alcohol, drugs and people with gambling and other addiction problems


Citizens of Ukraine can take advantage of the offer of addiction help. You can find out how and where to seek help on the drug-info.cz website.